SXSW 2011 FIlmmaker Spotlight: Wing-Yee Wu


Film Title: Diplo

Category: Doc short

Your name: Wing-Yee [Vinyé] Wu

Your relationship to the film: of those shoots...

The elevator pitch: If I met someone new they'd probably go see my film cus they liked me, I'm pretty nice : ) In Austin during SxSW chances are that anyone I'd run into would be familiar with my doc subject already...a no brain sell really.

Previous festival experience: Been to festivals since a while but don't go that often nor make that much of an effort once im there.

As a submitting filmmaker, what has surprised you about the film festival process? The politics as well as randomness of selections.

What attracted you to SXSW and what excites you most about having your film selected to play there? SxSW is getting stronger each year and "independent film" is still independent there. Sounds like a cliché right there but it's not.

When and where does your film play at SXSW? Sat Mar 12, 2:30pm Alamo Lamar C, Tue Mar 15, 4:15pm Alamo Lamar A, Wed Mar 16 2:30pm Alamo Lamar C

What's next for you and your film? I'm getting a lot of screening requests for Diplo which I'll of course entertain, but generally when I'm done with a film it's time to move onto other projects.