The Top 6 Rewards for Joining the Film Festival Secrets 2.0 Community

You probably know that I've been running a crowdfunding campaign at Seed&Spark -- and now we're down to the wire to get to 100%. (The campaign ends 7/29 at 5 pm ET.) 

In case you’re asking yourself “what’s in it for me?” here are 6 of the best reasons to become a supporter.

  1. ALL BACKERS get 3-part video seminar on planning and running a film-specific crowdfunding campaign and other backer-exclusive goodies. (Pledge $1 or more.)
  2. Instant karma! If you've read my blog or other free publications and found them useful, this is a great (and inexpensive) way to show some love in return. (Pledge $1 or more.)
  3. Pre-order the 2nd edition ebook of Film Festival Secrets: A Handbook for Independent Filmmakers and get the 1st edition ebook immediately at no additional cost. (Pledge $10 or more.)
  4. You can join the private Facebook group where festival organizers and your fellow backers will discuss the festival circuit. (Pledge $25 or more.)
  5. Listen in on podcast episodes as they're recorded and my guests (festival organizers and veteran filmmakers) will answer your questions. (Pledge $25 or more.)
  6. Your name in print! Get a physical copy of the 2nd edition PLUS all the previous perks and your name will be included in the Acknowledgements section. (Pledge $50 or more.)

Bonus reason #7: If you've been considering working with me on your film's festival strategy, this campaign is a great way to do so on the cheap! Some of the perks above the $100 level are deeply discounted consulting packages that include all the rewards listed above. Check it out.